Your donation will help provide adaptive golf carts for players in wheelchairs at national adaptive golf tournaments in the USA. These tournaments are World Ranking events and allow players to get ranked in the WR4DG and the USAGA rankings. The adaptive carts are the only way for a wheelchair user to play golf and they are expensive to transport. We are raising money to fund 2-4 tournaments a year. So please help out if you can by donating today.
With the successful USGA US Adaptive Open in 2022, along with the recent growth of adaptive golf, it became clear for an association dedicated to Seated Golfers be established. Organized and operated by those who use a mobility device to play, the association will advocate for inclusion and access in tournaments and events around the country.
Through partnership and collaboration with adaptive golf organizations, the USSGA will work to ensure the Seated Golfer division can be accommodated in ways that continue to make participation and awareness more accessible.
The goal of the USSGA is to bring together the Seated Golfer community and serve as a hub of information for golfing to include learning, equipment, tournaments, and the rules dedicated to the Seated Division.
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